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About Rishika Dee

Rishika Dee is great to have around. She is wise and she speaks plainly. Her writings could come across as pretentious or preachy but never flowery. However, those of us fortunate enough to have spent time with her understand her writings in context; she was always a reluctant writer. She told us that written words were too static, trapped in the moment. When she quoted Crowley, "All words are lies" I nearly fell out of my chair. Fortunately for us she liked to talk, and we took notes! I came across these nuggets when reading through an old notebook:

Plagiarism is a sure sign of being well read.

You may have a little or you may have a lot, but you own nothing.

"God" comes with baggage; the Divine does not care about your lost luggage.

Shit or get off the pot.

Herbal tea has its place.

You know that she once looked at a page in this very notebook and said, "I guess I need to put pen to paper." Soon thereafter she wrote the Not a Manifesto Motherfuckers!

Truly Rishika Dee is not here to guide us at this juncture, and surely we saw her burn the only copy of NaMM after the first reading. But lets be honest, she wrote like she talked and we listened. We have copious notes.

Rishika Dee once told us that, The people have heard all the notes, but you were given a voice--you must sing!

So there it is. I think we should "write songs"; Rishika Dee had the moves, she has given us lyrics, she has given us hope, and if she were here today--she would likely give us a swift kick in the pants.

Abbot Stu

"May the Divine Light shine within us and without us, today, and all the days of our lives."
"All power to the people!"

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